A couple of months ago, Kashmir Hill over at Forbes published an editorial on 10 simple things you should do to protect your privacy. I thought I would repost them here. I’m not going to go into detail about the specifics because they are available at the article (and I am too lazy to retype them).
- Password protect your devices: your smartphone, your iPad, your computer, your tablet, etc.
- Put a Google Alert on your name.
- Sign out of Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, etc. when you’re done with your emailing, social networking, tweeting, and other forms of time-wasting.
- Don’t give out your email address, phone number, or zip code when asked.
- Encrypt your computer.
- Gmailers, turn on 2-step authentication in Gmail.
- Pay in cash for embarrassing items
- Change Your Facebook settings to “Friends Only.”
- Clear your browser history and cookies on a regular basis.
- Use an IP masker.
How many of these do you do?